" What do you think? " Since they asked ............. I think that ONE nude photo out of TEN is ONE nude photo better than NO nude photos out of TEN, but ONE out of TEN is still only 10% right, and 10% right is a failing grade in any grading system. Right? RIGHT! Those same poses posed nude would been "; RIGHT? RIGHT!
Candi: Muchas gracias por tu aparición. Me encanta todo lo que muestras, estás bellísima y muy buena. Tu atuendo es de lo mas sensual..... puede levantar a un ; Gracias hermosa!
I'm absolutely dying to see you without anything at all on. Particularly your breasts. They are so least from what I can see of them. Please show more! You've got the sexiest face I've seen in a long time. Just pure sexy.
Beautiful and sexy. And I disagree with the comment on the "silly" outfit. The pants showed your WONDERFUL ass to perfection. I really like the ruffles too. aThe length on the bottoms may have been just a bit short, but who cares when I will be throwing your legs over my shoulders?
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Candi Annie in Black Lingerie 2
Posted by: Candi Annie
Candi Likes to dress up for hubby Al and feel sexy- I think she did a great job here- What do you think?